Joelle 1st May 2020

A Tribute to Grandma Bennett. What an amazing lady Grandma Bennett was. As a child I remember she was often doing “keep fit” at the village hall and spent a lot of time baking and making things for the WI at Fryerning. I remember when we were growing up we would visit Grandma and Grandad at Blackmore Mill House and play with Bea the dog in the huge garden there. I then remember them moving to Rye Cottage and whenever we visited, Grandad would sneakily give Daniel and I a Mars bar out of his bureau desk in the dining room without Grandma knowing. I also will always remember the smell of the plastic beakers Grandma gave us orange squash in and even the colour of them! If ever I stayed over as a child in the little single room at the front of the house I would always be woken up really early by Grandmas radio or the wireless as she called it which she had on in her bedroom. Grandma would always sit in the armchair behind the lounge door surrounded by all the photos of her grandchildren and would be thrilled with whatever cake or sweet treat we took her. I am so pleased that Frances and Ian drove Grandma down to Reigate a few years ago to bring her for lunch at what was our newest venture in the town and Grandma really enjoyed the broccoli and stilton quiche she had for lunch there. From then on whenever we went to visit her we would take her a slice. My fondest memory of all though is that after my cheeky request Grandma very kindly agreed to make 160 jars of homemade jam and chutney for Marc and I to give as the favours at our wedding. Pretty impressive at the age of 87 years old! They not only looked lovely but they tasted fantastic and friends and family have often commented on them still over the years. Chloe and Lara would really enjoy visiting Grandma at Sycamore Court and playing dominoes with her and I am just so sad that we didn’t get to go more recently than the last time we saw her there in January. Goodbye Grandma Bennett, you were an amazing lady……still cutting hedges up a ladder in your 90’s! With all our love, Joelle, Marc, Chloe & Lara xxxx